We headed to Hiroshima City for a night, and enjoyed some deeeericious tempura. They were kind enough to give us full aprons, which Simon managed to get filthy.

The chef cooked it all in front of us, and told us exactly what to put with sauce or lemon or salt. We both agreed that strangely enough the prawn leg tempura was one of the best. I finally tried sashimi, but the texture wasn't so great.

It's just a shame that those Dutch got in the way. Damn tourists.

This is just for you Stevie...

Stevie's Wonder Bar was in full boogie mode, but it was a bit cliquey.

So we headed into the streets.

Simon's trick:
We went to see Aba Shanti, a Jamaican reggae guy. The poster said it started at 10.00, so that's when we went. They said come back at 10.30, so we did. Then they said come back at 11.30, so we did, and they finally let us in. They said he'd be on at 12.30, then 1, then 2. By 3am, after we'd spent a fair bit of money at their bar, we went to the door and both threw a joint tantrum in broken Japanese, saying "Aba Shanti wa arimasen!" (you don't have Aba Shanti!) We argued for a good 10 minutes, but had no break through until Simon grabbed their sandwich board, jabbing his finger at "10pm", and knocked over the sandwich board which was holding the door open. They finally refunded our 4000 yen to get rid of us.
Simon clearly managed to have some fun though. These girls are cigarette dispensers:
"Here is my handle, Here is my spout..."

We saw Julia Reccordon there too. She left at 4, and he still hadn't gone on, although she had seen a black guy walking around backstage, so maybe they did have him.

The next day, it was off to Saijo for the Sake festival. But first, we headed to the electronics department store to recover from last night.

This is "rodeo pilates". It's seriously weird.
Off to the festival...

Unfortunately this is water not Sake.

I got a bit excited about the architecture, after being in Fukuyama so long.

Then off to the park for some Sake. This is our friend Priya, from Wellington.

Kampai! (cheers)

Then it was back to Fukuyama for karaoke!